An albino peacock is a rare sight. While these majestic birds have been around for centuries, only a lucky few have seen them in person in the Americas.
The term “albino” refers to an animal lacking melanin pigment in its skin or feathers, leading to a completely white appearance. Albino peacocks are also often referred to as “ghost peacocks” due to their unique look.

What is an albino peacock?
Albino peacocks have red eyes because they have no pigmentation throughout their bodies. The lack of melanin contributing to their normally bright color leaves the skin and feathers white and the eyes a pinkish red. The rare leucistic peacocks will generally have blue eyes and are often white. An albino peacock is exceptionally rare in the wild. Captivity-bred albino peacocks are rare but still far more common than any of these naturally occurring birds.
There are only three types of peacocks. Indian peacocks are the blue beauties we know most. As the name suggests, green peacocks have green torsos and tails, and Congo peacocks have very short tails. The albino versions are absent all the vibrant color and instead are entirely white.

Where can I buy an albino peacock?
Looking to buy albino peafowl? They’re more expensive than a standard color. An albino peacock runs about $700, and an albino breeding pair can set you back $1,500. Are they worth it? The answer is subjective. Albino peahens lay a sizeable clutch, or nest of eggs, hatching 6-8 chicks. Of that, one out of four chicks is albino. The rest should be leucistic or piebald, meaning they’ll be at least partially albino.
What is the meaning or symbolism of the albino peacock?
A white peacock symbolizes purity and cleansing. Depending on culture, peacocks symbolize divinity, strength, power, and confidence. Here are some possible meanings:
- Jesus Christ is symbolized by the white peacock, with spirituality and awakening. It suggests negative energy removal and then rebirth and inner light awakening.
- Higher consciousness alignment and benevolent outcomes
- As a spirit animal, it can mean purity, immortality, and royalty
- The Divine self, cleansed, realized, and purified
- According to Chinese culture, peacock tail feathers represent fame and good luck. They enhance a person’s protection and awareness.

What’s the difference between the male and the female albino peacock?
Although the bird is commonly referred to as a peacock, it is actually called peafowl. The male is the peacock, and the female is the peahen. The babies are peachicks. It’s difficult to tell the sex on a peachick until they are old enough to show color, usually under a year. Males don’t develop long tail feathers until about three years of age.
However, the albino peafowl sexes remain more difficult to discern. It may require more patience to tell until the male’s tail begins to elongate. Peacocks lose their trains in the winter, growing new tail feathers for the breeding season in September.
Peacocks are polygamous, so you never know whose eggs – or chicks – will hatch.
Peacocks in the wild
Because albino peacocks are so rare in the wild, it’s more likely to find one in captivity. These forest birds roost in trees but nest on the ground. While the blue and green peacocks are both native to the Indian Forest, the Congo peacocks are native to – you guessed it – the African Congo.
What do peacocks eat?
Besides plants, they eat insects and anthropods, reptiles and amphibians. Even small snakes fit into their diets.
If you keep one at home, it’ll eat bread, rice, corn, oats, cheese, and even cat food. They also eat meat, vegetables, and fruit. Omnivorous peacocks will eat just about anything they can fit in their beaks. It’s almost like having a coyote with a smaller mouth.

What eats a peacock?
You know what loves a peacock? Foxes. Coyotes eat anything, so they don’t count. So if you invested in your albino peacock, keep an eye out for predators, and maybe lock them up at night. Otherwise, you might be re-investing again and again.
What is the lifespan of peacocks?
Peacocks can live up to 50 years. But on average, they only live 10-15 years. The better care a peacock receives, the longer they generally live. As albino peacocks are usually raised and cared for more conscientiously than regular colored ones, they live longer.
Where can I buy albino peacock tail feathers?
Finding albino peacock feathers are more difficult. Bleached or colored peacock feathers are easy to find and inexpensive. A naturally white peacock feather will cost you. You can find them on Etsy if you’re willing to hunt for a while.
You can find bulk peacock feathers online, but finding a single feather may be challenging unless you go to a craft store. Then they’re only $1-$2 each. Buying in bulk will be much less, but you may end up with far more feathers than you want. Legally attained peacock feathers are retrieved from the shedding bird.

Can I get a taxidermy albino peacock?
Absolutely! But be prepared to pay the big bucks. Taxidermy costs and detailed work involve creative knowledge and quality supplies. Although taxidermy science has advanced, the talent of a professional taxidermist isn’t cheap. If you shot your own trophy, you may need some repairs. Shop around. In that business, you get what you pay for. Quality counts. Pay for the experience. Be prepared to shell out $2,500 to $4,000 for a quality taxidermy mount peacock. Plus shipping.
Mirror, Mirror
Peacocks may be the vainest bird in existence. Some birds will see a mirror and attack it. They believe another bird is invading their territory. Not the peacock. They will perch on your car (scratching it up in the process), stare lovingly into the side view mirror, and gaze at their beauty. Want to catch a peacock? Use a mirror.
Peacock personality
Besides their narcissistic tendencies, peacocks are divas with loud, screeching voices.
If you have a peacock personality, you’re very social. However, these energetic peacock people are very social, open-minded, charismatic, and enthusiastic. They’re also talkative, adventurous, and competitive. Unfortunately, their strong nature makes them power-hungry and dominating. They’re scatter-brained and emotional. Just like a peacock.

Most of us have never tried eating a peacock. While the poet Horace stated that they taste like chicken (doesn’t everything?), apparently they taste more like turkey or pheasant. In medieval times, the affluent showed off by serving peacock for dinner at a party. The skin was removed with the feathers still intact. Then it was replaced before serving with the tail feathers expertly fanned out in an exotic display. This dish was brought to the table by the prettiest female in attendance.
So if you tire of your peacock, you know how to serve up your bird for the best display.
In the eyespot of the beholder
If you love peacocks, you’re not alone, but not everyone is a fan. These self-absorbed beauties show off their gorgeous feathers for any female they can attract – and to compete with any other males. Of course, they love to look at themselves. Peacocks will eat almost anything they can swallow and are very, very vocal. And if you prefer these birds on the table, remember to garnish with lemon and flowers.

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